New Products
Ku-Band GaN PA / Driver Amplifier: TGA2958-SM
The TGA2958-SM is a GaN PA/driver amplifier operating in the Ku-band, providing 2W of saturated output power, and has greater than 21 dB of large signal gain. These amplifiers are designed and manufactured on TriQuint’s GaN on SiC production process that provides superior performance while maintaining high reliability.
2-22 GHz Highly Robust GaN LNA: TGA2227-SM
The TGA2227-SM is a highly robust GaN Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) covering the 2-22 GHz frequency range, and delivers >15 dB small signal gain and >+22 dBm P1dB while supporting 2 dB mid-band Noise Figure. This LNA offers a high overall electrical performance, and a high level of input power robustness for more design flexibility in the receive chain circuit protection.
S-Band High-Power Limiter: TGL2927-SM
The TGL2927-SM is a high-power, GaN receiver protection circuit (limiter) covering the 2-4 GHz frequency range, is capable of withstanding up to 200W incident power levels, and allows less than 18 dBm flat leakage to pass through. This limiter doesn’t require bias, and contributes less than 0.6 dB in insertion loss.
Low-Band High-Power Limiter: TGL2210-SM
Qorvo offers a new high-power receive protection circuit, or limiter, that is capable of withstanding up to 100 W incident power levels. This limiter operates in the 0.05 to 6 GHz frequency range, and permits less than 17 dBm flat leakage to pass through while contributing less than 0.7 dB in insertion loss.
Ka-Band Doubler with 1W Multi-stage Amplifier: TGC4603-SM
The TGC4603-SM is a device comprised of a frequency doubler and a multi-stage amplifier designed for operation in the 13.5 – 16 GHz frequency range. This instrument is able to achieve more than 1 Watt of output power at only 3 dBm input power due to more than 70 dBc isolation between the input and doubled output frequency.