Article | August 23, 2017

Smart Homes For Seniors: How The IoT Can Help Aging Parents Live At Home Longer

Source: Qorvo
Smart Homes For Seniors: How The IoT Can Help Aging Parents Live At Home Longer

The population of adults 85 and older in the U.S. will roughly triple between 2015 and 2060, making it the fastest-growing age group over this time period. This has become a major concern for families taking care of seniors who will be living on their own. Qorvo’s Senior Lifestyle System has been tested and used for the last 15 years in assisted living communities in Europe to help seniors live more independently. Within a few weeks, this system learns the routine day-to-day activities of the senior resident, provides intelligent status updates in a dashboard app, and sends alerts to designated caregivers if something unexpected happens. Download the full article to learn more about the Senior Lifestyle System.

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