Featured Publications
Technical Report: Simulation Of Plasma Materials In XFdtd
This paper discusses the FDTD method to simulate the behavior of plasma materials using Remcom’s XFdtd 3D EM Simulation Software and presents validation in one and three dimensions.
Ray-Optical Modeling Of Wireless Coverage Enhancement Using Engineered Electromagnetic Surfaces
In this paper, results are presented of propagation experiments conducted to verify the accuracy of a novel ray-optical scattering model for EES.
A Fast Indoor Coverage Prediction Scheme At 60 GHz Based On Image Processing, Geometrical Optics, And Transport Theory
In this paper, we develop a fast and approximate prediction scheme for indoor path loss using digital image processing, geometrical optics, and transport theory.
Scalable Modeling Of Human Blockage At Millimeter-Wave: A Comparative Analysis Of Knife-Edge Diffraction, The Uniform Theory Of Diffraction, And Physical Optics Against 60 GHz Channel Measurements
This article uses WaveFarer to investigate computational electromagnetic methods based on ray-tracing.
XFdtd Analysis Of A Ku-Band Satellite Antenna Array For Mobile Devices
In this example, a satellite antenna originally designed for X-band operation is modified to reduce the overall size, allowing it to fit on a mobile device.
Magnetic Resonance Wire Coil Losses Estimation With FDTD Method
This white paper investigates the accuracy of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for separately estimating coil conductor and radiative loss contributions.
Optimization Of 5G Infrastructure Deployment Through Machine Learning
The application of machine learning for optimal deployment of 5G infrastructure, such as the orientation of the antenna that helps achieve the best coverage, is investigated in this paper.
Assessing 5G Radar Interference In Landing System Approach Simulations
In this whitepaper, we use Remcom’s Wireless InSite 3D Wireless Prediction Software to simulate the level of interference received at the radar altimeter input port of a landing aircraft due to emissions from 5G base stations that are near the approach to runway 27L at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
Auto-Radar Drive Scenario Simulation: Increasing Realism With Multipath, Diffuse Scattering, And Micro-Doppler
Learn how Remcom’s WaveFarer® Radar Simulation Software uses ray-tracing to simulate virtual drive scenarios and predict radar returns as a system moves through an environment with vehicles, roadway structures, pedestrians, and other objects.
EM Simulation Numerical Methods For Comprehensive Design
This booklet explores the core numerical methods utilized in Remcom’s software products.