Three-Path USB And LAN Diode Power Sensors: R&S®NRPxxS/SN

The R&S®NRPxxS/SN family of three-path USB and LAN diode power sensors combine accurate and uncomplicated power measurements as well as simple operation on a base unit or a laptop/PC. This family of power meters combines all these characteristics in the R&S®NRX base unit, R&S®NRPV virtual power meter PC software, and a comprehensive portfolio of LAN and USB power sensors. They are ideal for use in production, R&D, and calibration labs, as well as for installation and maintenance tasks.
The R&S®NRP power sensors are independent measuring instruments using USB adapters. The compact, robust R&S®NRX base unit with a color touch display supports up to four R&S®NRP power sensors and all sensor-dependent measurement functions. Measured values are displayed numerically or graphically, depending on the measurement function. The high-resolution graphical user interface allows simple, intuitive operation; the base unit can be remotely controlled via Ethernet, GPIB, or USB.
For additional information on the R&S®NRPxxS/SN family, download the brochure and datasheet.