Helio Corporation Announces Successful Deployment Of Radar Antennas On NASA Europa Clipper Mission
Heliospace, a subsidiary of Helio Corporation has announced the successful deployment of the radar antennas aboard the NASA Europa Clipper spacecraft. Heliospace designed, assembled, tested, and delivered these antennas under contract with Caltech as part of the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) instrument onboard Europa Clipper.
Heliospace built two different types of radar antennas for the Europa Clipper mission: two High Frequency (HF) antennas, which deploy to over 55 ft in length, and four smaller Very High Frequency (VHF) antennas which deploy to approximately 9 feet in length. The Heliospace radar antennas are an extremely compact design accommodated on the edges of the Europa Clipper spacecraft solar arrays. According to Heliospace co-founder and CEO Greg Delory, "We're excited that our hardware has passed this first crucial milestone and look forward to the discoveries that the REASON instrument will make at Europa."
Under principal investigator Dr. Donald Blankenship of the University of Texas, Austin, REASON is a dual-frequency ice penetrating radar instrument designed to characterize and sound Europa's icy crust from the near-surface to the ocean, revealing the hidden structure of Europa's ice shell and potential water within. The Europa Clipper program is managed by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
About Helio Corporation
Helio Corporation is a technology, engineering and research and development (R&D) holding company serving commercial, government and non-profit organizations. Our wholly owned subsidiary, Heliospace Corporation ("Heliospace"), is an aerospace company specializing in the design, engineering, assembly and test of space flight qualified hardware and provides systems engineering, modeling, analysis, integration and test services to customers in government, commercial, private and non-profit markets. With deep expertise in civil space missions combined with a growing business serving commercial companies, our primary company objective is to enable humanity's pursuit of the scientific and commercial development of space. For more information, visit https://helio.space/.
Source: Helio Corporation